Sunday, June 17, 2007

Reveal Day at Just Cre8!

On Friday, we revealed our July 2007 kit! The reveal seemed to go much smoother - I think we're finally getting the hang of it! ;) We also added a few features to the main page so that it is easier to browse through our previous months' kits.

This month, the bright, beautiful papers of Rhonna Farrer's French Twist line may have been inspired by her recent trip to France, but this kit just screams summertime to me! Its' bright and cheery papers feature adorable owls, gorgeous florals and of course, swirly flourishes! The photographs cannot do these papers justice! These colours need to be seen firsthand!
The acrylic stamps, Flutter By, are a Build-Your-Own-Butterfly set! The possibilities are endless! Not only can you use the butterfly wings to Cre8 a butterfly, but you can also use them as flower petals! See Katrina's project further down the page...

The completer kit C, { Twisted Chips }, features Rhonna's cool designs as colourful rub-ons and chipboard journaling chips - these things are so versatile! There are also black American Craft letter stickers.

But my favourite part is the Melissa Frances chipboard album. At first, I imagined it as a cute mini-album to feature pictures.

But then my design team got a hold of it.

Can I just say how much these girls RAWK?!?!

Lori altered her album and stuck it on her layout to tell her story:
Katrina, as mentioned above, used the Flutter By stamps and a previous kit's rub-ons to transform her circle album, when opened, into a flower:

And Amanda created this kewl chores chart, complete with wipe-off checklist to help her children remember their duties - I showed Connor and I have now been "commissioned" (read: ordered) to make one for him!

And Completer Kit C, { Sparkle }, includes wicked cool SkribblzArt, brads and bright glitter by Melissa Frances. The glitter is awesome - but messy! Just ask my DT member, Tammy.... ;)

This month, Tammy, our digital goddess, has again created a beautiful download called "Hello, Sunshine!". We are also offering this digital download to ALL registered members of our Just Cre8 forum! So head to our forum, { tailg8 }, and register now! The download will be available, in a private members-only section of the forum, on July 1st!

July's kit is certain to make you say, "Ooh La La! "

Thanks for looking!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Three nights and counting!

We are on our way to becoming pacifier-free!! (touch wood!)

I'm a bit embarassed to admit that we still had a pre-schooler in the house with a soother. Aili has advanced early through so many milestones, such as talking in full sentences, toilet training and comprehending and executing simple commands, that it was hard to understand why she insisted on holding onto this last stage of babyhood. I should have weaned her off of it earlier, especially with all of her breathing troubles. However, truth be told, I just didn't have the heart to listen to her cry for nights on end!

Connor, on the other hand, took to toilet training like a duck to dirt, but relinquished his pacifier at an early age. It helped that he happened to bite the end of it off one night as I was leaving his room! I told him it was broken now and had to be thrown out. That was it - I didn't hear another peep about it, except the next morning when he saw it in the trash can in his room. He pulled it out, saw it was "broken" and promptly threw it away again!

Luckily, while we were away this weekend at my cousins' place, Daniela mentioned to me how she weaned one of the girls off of her soother by telling her they had forgotten it at a relative's house, after a visit.

When we got back late on Sunday night, I remembered our conversation as I was preparing to put Aili to bed. When she asked me for her soother, I went through the motions of looking for it through all of our bags. I asked her if she remembered to pack it with her toys. I looked high and lo ("and the Oscar goes to..." ;)) and finally told her that I thought we may have lost it or even left it "at our friends'". She went to bed fine, with no crying, although it did take her much longer to fall asleep. She also mentioned several times that we had to "go to our friends' house and get it".

We repeated the whole sequence at naptime on Monday and at bedtime last night and tonight. The ironic thing is that she has been sleeping without a soother for at least a year at daycare!! There have been no tantrums or tearful nights and she is becoming accustomed to falling asleep without it - although she still tries to use every trick in the book to avoid bedtime!!

You know what I mean...
"I have to pee."
"I want my Daddy"
"I want Mommy"
"I want to cuddle Mommy/Daddy/Connor"
"I want to read a story"
"I need some water"
"I want {insert closest toy on floor here} in my bed"
"Fix my blanket please"

and so on and so forth.... But we are sootherless!!

Now, to get rid of "Blankie"...
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