Saturday, August 31, 2013

Right Here Right Now | Aug 31

The Project:  Every Saturday (or some part during the weekend!), at some point, I will post a self-portrait (it won't always be pretty - I'm warning you now!!) and document what I'm doing/feeling/seeing... right now.

dateline:  belle river, ontario, canada @ 1:16 am on aug 30, 2013
weather outside:   stormy, windy
mood inside:  peaceful, reflective

listening to:  the dryer, tumbling
eating: nothing
drinking:  nothing
wearing:  capri pants, striped top
feeling:  excited for the kids to go back to school
wanting:  my e-check to clear so i can print out my new planner and get ready for the school year
needing:  to go to bed so i can get up early tomorrow
thinking:  about plans for this long weekend
enjoying:  football practices - time to break out the telephoto!
learning:  to say no to more things, so i can be present and enjoy life
creating:  nothing right now, but hopefully tomorrow!
wondering:  HOW to break out the telephoto at football practice without seeming creepy!? LOL!
procrastinating:  calling a home reno crew for our master bath... cha-ching!
loving:  my new colour/cut - it's grown so much lately!
anticipating:  the sketchy challenge which i'll be posting on the 1st!!  

tired eyes...need to get to bed!


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  TODAY!!!)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  TODAY!!!)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Free Font Friday | Aug 30

Here's a whole alphabet of silhouette shapes - that would be so cool, cut out with the Silhouette! :)

To see more Free Font Friday posts, click here.


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Chocolate Zucchini Bread

A week or so ago, I had purchased four zucchini with the intent of making these delectable little lovelies.

Well...that didn't happen.

So on Sunday, I decided to dig them out of the crisper before they sprouted legs and walked away on their own.  But what to make?  I had a craving for something sweet, but relatively healthy.

Enter Pinterest!

I had pinned this recipe a while ago and so in an effort to try to make some of the items pinned (see my Pinterest Finds page - all tried and true pins!), I decided to try it.

I adapted it slightly to help with the calorie count - it helped... but not by much!  But still, you could probably omit the chocolate chips and use a sugar substitute (read more about using sugar substitutes in baking here).  Because we are trying to eat "cleaner", I would rather use whole foods and eat a smaller piece!

So hard to do sometimes though, especially with this bread!!

I didn't get a good (read: focused) photo before everyone dug into this so I "borrowed" one from the recipe site.  But doesn't it look delicious!?!  Enjoy!

Chocolate Zucchini Cake - yield 24 servings (3/4" slice)
adapted from

2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
3 eggs
2 c white sugar
1/2 c vegetable oil
1/2 c unsweetened applesauce
2 cups grated zucchini
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 c all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3/4 c semisweet chocolate chips

How To:
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).  Grease and flour two 9x5 inch loaf pans - or use a mini loaf pan!  Make sure to get the bottom really well to avoid sticking.  (Alternatively, you could line the bottom with parchment paper - wish I had thought of that on Sunday!)

In a glass bowl, microwave chocolate squares, 30 seconds at a time, until almost melted (there will be chunks).  Stir well until chocolate is smooth.  DO NOT OVERCOOK.  Add oil to chocolate slowly, stirring until well combined.  Set aside.

In a medium bowl, add flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.  Mix well with a whisk until combined.  Set aside.

In a mixing bowl, combine eggs, sugar, and vanilla and beat until smooth.  Add zucchini and stir slightly.  Add flour mixture slowly, mixing after each addition, until all dry ingredients are incorporated.  Fold in chocolate chips and distribute batter evenly between two pans (or mini loaf pans).

Cook for 60 to 70 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Let cool for at least 10 minutes in pan; run a knife along the edge and carefully turn out onto a wire rack.  Cool completely.  Wrap loaf or store in covered container.  Freezes well!


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Seven Sunday Blessings | Aug 25

This week, I am thankful:

1. For the ER doctor who, when Aili was about 5 years old and at the hospital for the umpteenth time for yet another asthma attack,  insisted that we have a nebulizer at home to prevent another visit.  We had to pull it out again for a moderate asthma attack this week, after a long reprieve!

2. That my cropping friends are all going to be able to join me in Elmira on Sept 21st for a fundraiser crop!  If you are free that day and local to the area (or not, like me!), then come and join us!!

3. For Pinterest - and chocolate zucchini bread!

4. For Swiss Hazelnut Lattes and their ability to curb a sweet craving!

5. For a (relatively) free weekend, so I could catch up on our budgeting and paperwork.

6. For a (relatively) clean studio, so I can get right down to creating this week when the family is gone!

7. Did I mention chocolate zucchini bread!?!?!

What are you thankful for this week?


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

It's Time...

Making plans....

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Right Here Right Now | Aug 23

The Project:  Every Saturday (or some part during the weekend!), at some point, I will post a self-portrait (it won't always be pretty - I'm warning you now!!) and document what I'm doing/feeling/seeing... right now.

dateline:  belle river, ontario, canada @ 8:26 pm on aug 23, 2013
weather outside:   cool, beautiful
mood inside:  quiet, productive

listening to:  treasure by bruno mars
eating: nothing
drinking:  swiss hazelnut latte
wearing:  capri pants, purple top
feeling:  anxious about the workload coming up, with 3 inventories looming
wanting:  to get into my studio to play
needing:  to clean the kitchen after dinner
thinking:  about my sister
enjoying:  having connor back home
learning:  that i'm more productive with a schedule/to-do list
creating:   a mental checklist of what i need to accomplish this week when gary and the kids are gone camping
wondering:  how much of that checklist i will actually get done... :)
procrastinating:  our back-to-school shopping - it's just screams "summer's over!"
loving:  the fact that my hair is just long enough for a top knot - so easy...
anticipating:  my alone time this week - all i want to do is create!

voila!  a top knot - albeit messy from the convertible ride home from work today... :)


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Free Font Fridays | Aug 23

Here's a great handwritten font for journaling - or homework assignments! :)

To see more Free Font Friday posts, click here.


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wedding Invitations | Cory & Taunia

To say that these were a labour of love would be pushing it.

Don't get me wrong - I love my nephew and his fiancĂ©e and would do anything for them.  The same holds true for all of my nieces and nephews.  However, these invitations were such a P.I.T.A, right from the start that by the time we could see the light at the end of the tunnel, we were second-guessing our decision to make them instead of ordering them!

I have to say, though - they were worth every bead of sweat, every gray hair, every four-letter word.

Supplies used:  Bazzill cardstock; PhotoShop Creative Suite, StarSunflower Studio digital file; Silhouette Cameo and various cut files; Gabriola and Lavanderia fonts; organza ribbon.

The invitation "folder" was based on a cut file by Lori Whitlock.  I adapted it to fit the invitation and enclosures and changed the flap using part of a Totally Jamie file.  To open, untie the green ribbon and slide off the wide organza ribbon.

*some info has been blurred - to prevent y'all from crashing the wedding! ;)

I designed the invitation, RSVP card and accommodations card using PhotoShop Creative Suite and a freebie digital file from StarSunflower Studio.

*I know, my nephew's full name is a mouthful - but it honours both his grandfathers...

Here's a peek at the enclosures:

The photos are a bit blurry and the colour's wonky, but you get the idea!

As a side note, if you have a loved one getting married, check out the Wed Pics app - very cool way to get your guests involved in capturing their special day!


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Seven Sunday Blessings | Aug 18

This week, I am thankful:

1. For breezy, sunny weather.  Even if it's short-lived.

2. For birthday parties - and a chance for another Just Dance 4 competition! :)

3. To Ms. Maggie Young, for her talents in creating this lovely cake for Aili's birthday.  I had high ambitions, but time limitations prevented me from attempting it - you saved the day, Mags!

4. That my dad was feeling well enough to come for Aili's birthday party on Saturday.  He enjoyed visiting with my FIL and even complimented me on my espresso-making skills! (Thanks, Tassimo...)

5. To my FIL for staying with the kids this week, saving us a week's worth of summer day camp fees.  The kids enjoyed the visit, as did we - along with the help!

6. That we only have two more weeks before school starts and we can get the kids back on a schedule!

7. That ChristyAnn's visit this weekend has spurred me on to try my hand at sketching!  Here's the results (please be kind!):

Attempt 1:  Abbey Bominable (yes, I know she's listing to the left...)

Attempt 2:  Abbey's eye

What are you thankful for this week?


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Right Here Right Now | Aug 17

The Project:  Every Saturday weekend, at some point, I will post a self-portrait (it won't always be pretty - I'm warning you now!!) and document what I'm doing/feeling/seeing... right now.

dateline:  belle river, ontario, canada @ 2:43 pm on aug 18, 2013
weather outside:   sunny, warm
mood inside:  tired, happy

listening to:  disturbia by rihanna (on xbox kinect just dance 4 game)
eating: nothing
drinking:  diet coke
wearing:  pyjamas (yes, still! lazy sunday...)
feeling:  full after our brunch
wanting:  to continue sketching
needing:  to menu plan for the upcoming week
thinking:  about heading out in the canoe for a paddle
enjoying:  the quiet after a busy weekend
learning:  to sketch a little bit each day to teach myself how to draw
creating:  a sketch of an abbey bominable doll
wondering:  how long before I can sketch like christyann?
procrastinating:  grocery shopping and laundry - the bane of my existence!
loving:  the weather lately!
anticipating:  a week without sibling bickering, with connor visiting his grandfather this week

I know - not a self portrait but I wanted to share this!  Aili received this artwork for her birthday from ChristyAnn, a friend of her Uncle Scott, of two of her favourite things - Monster High and Calvin & Hobbes!  Isn't it so fun!?


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Free Font Friday | Aug 16

I love the mix of capital and lower case in this font!  So pretty!

To see more Free Font Friday posts, click here.


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Inspiration Elevator | Challenge 16

You may recall that the purpose of this challenge group is to take our scrapbooking to the next level, to stretch our creative process and to grow as artists by embracing challenges that make us think, work and grow. You can view all of the challenges our new Inspiration Elevator Blog, here.  My individual challenges are found on my blog here.

This month, the very creatively-minded Christa issued the challenge and here's what she wrote:
Part of growth is learning new techniques. And I do mean NEW. Sometimes we are afraid to try something or get in a rut..but for the August reveal I am asking that you find a technique WITH a video and include the link in your post. Learn something new. Share where you learned it and then share what you learned and your creation. I hope this is challenging for might take some time to think about! 
You do not need to make your OWN video just share the one you used to create your technique. If possible, be sure to get permission from the maker of that video so we can be respectful! 
Pinterest has some great videos.
When I first read Christa's challenge, I thought that we needed to find a technique and create our own video!

I'll be honest - I silently cursed her a little bit. :) Thankfully, Ann was kind enough to point out my misunderstanding in time - and Christa clarified by adding the second paragraph! :)

I knew exactly which tutorial I wanted to use.  I had seen a video by Sara Sandberg on YouTube a month or so ago, and was intrigued.  Plus it was super easy and something the kids could do, too!  I've embedded it below, but on the off chance that it doesn't work, you can click HERE to watch it.

I used this tutorial to create the background for my card:

Supplies used:  Bazzill cardstock and brads; Spectrum Noir re-inkers (TN2, GB7, GB9, EB4, EB3); Crafter's Companion stamp (Angelica & Friends Collection - Florence); Spectrum Noir markers (see below for colour palette); Staples transparency; Spellbinders die.

Colour Palette
Wings:  EB1, IG1, IG2
Hair:  EB2, EB6, BG8, BG10
Skin:  FS2, FS3, FS9, CR3
Dress/shoes:  GB3, GB6, GB7
Grass:  CG1, CG2, CG3
Present:  LG2, LG3, LG5, DR1
Flowers:  DR4
Shading:  IG1, blender

I know it's a pretty simple card, but I wanted the technique to shine!  I love how unique this background paper is, and because they are alcohol inks, they dry quickly so there's no downtime, waiting for it to dry!  I used the colours I had on hand but I love that created almost a tortoise-shell look!!  I am anxious to try it with other colours now...

Thanks, Christa, for the push to try something new!  I hope you will stop by and see what new techniques the rest of the incredible Inspiration Elevator designers have learned:
If you feel inspired to play along with Christa's challenge this month, please share it using the linky tool on our Inspiration Elevator blog and/or our Inspiration Elevator Facebook page. We'd LOVE to see what you create!


P/S:  Don't forget about the challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

HMCS Ontario | 2013

Earlier this year, Connor applied to attend a two week training camp with the cadet corps from all over Canada. He was accepted in May and travelled to Kingston, Ontario to spend two weeks at the HMCS Ontario, located at the Royal Military College.

It was a rough adjustment.  For me, that is... not him!  He left his phone at home, with our encouragement, but the day after he left, I realized that I didn't have the ability to check in with him during his stay, to see how he was enjoying it!

He texted on Monday night, using his roommate's phone.  Here's the extent of that conversation (verbatim - despite the fact that the grammar/spelling MAKES MY EYE TWITCH!):

Connor:  Hey mom, its connor.  Im using my roomates phone.  The phone lines are down so i cant call but its fun so far.  Btw, we wake up at 0550 and to bed 2130.  Anyway i cant talk for long so its fun hear and yea.  I gtg, i love you byee.

Mom:  Glad you r having fun!  Dad and I were just talking about you and wondering how it was going!!  Have a great time - I sent you a letter today with a phone card so you should get it this week!

Mom:  Miss you!!

Mom:  Get to bed!  LOL

(For the record, Connor always teases me about how I just type away in a bunch of texts instead of sending one big text.  Point taken...)

Connor:  Ok i am, they kept us uo a bit longer.  Kk, love you.

Mom:  Luv u too!

Connor:  Ok i am

After that convo, I felt a bit better.  Glad to hear he was making friends and immersing himself in camp life.  Life here in La Belle Riviere continued on - the lack of sibling arguments made for a quiet house!

On Thursday, I received another text:

Connor:  Hey mom :-) been a bit busy.  But its been really fun.  We did sailing yesterday and seamanship the day before.  To day was fitness sports and music.  I did good, may have gotten the silver medal in it:-)  idk yet.  Anyway, ranger tomorrow and wfalers on saturday, were free sunday.  And i met emily.

(That should read whalers, which are whaling boatings - and Emily is the daughter of my wonderful friend, Karen!  She is a counseler at HMCS Ontario this summer!)

Mom:  Awesome!  So glad you're having fun and making new friends!  What a wonderful experience for you!

Mom:  Are you gunning for the Top Cadet award at graduation again? :)

Mom:  We miss you lots around here!  And please thank your roomie for us for letting you send updates!!

Mom:  Did you get my letter yet?

(Okay, so maybe he's right about the whole 147 texts before he gets a chance to reply...)

Connor:  No not yet and ive already said thanks.  I miss you to, cant wait to see you.  And yes im going for that award :-)

Mom:  I knew you would!!  Very proud of you sweetie! Have a great time and call on Sunday if you get a chance!!

Mom:  Love you

Connor:  Ok ill try.  And i met emily.  And im in the quebec division.  Theres 4, acadia, abalone, quada and quebec.  Ik everyone in it and theres also a dance on saturday.  Anway, gtg, merry christmas in july, cant wait to see you, love you, byee

(To clarify, the General Training cadets are split into four divisions:  Acadia, Avalon, Quadra and Quebec.  And for the record, I giggled a little bit when he boasted how he knew everyone, because I kept reminding him before he left how he should try to make a new friend every day!)

Mom:  Ok have fun!!  I keep watching the FB page for updates!  See you soon - it's almost been a week already!! Gnight - and merry Xmas! :)

He did call on Sunday - collect, I might add, because Canada Post can't seem to get a letter from Windsor to Kingston in four days...  He rattled on for nearly twenty minutes and I could barely get a word in!  It did my heart proud to hear him so happy, and finally finding his groove.

We decided to drive up for the final graduation ceremony (thanks, Karen, for suggesting it!!).  They marched out in formation onto the huge parade square.

I snapped three photos of the entire square, and using an awesome tool in PhotoShop, I stitched them all together!  It's not perfect but what a handy tool!!

The Reviewing committee then completed a uniform inspection of all divisions.  Here, they are inspecting Connor's uniform:

He had sent me a brief text on the day before the ceremony, hinting that he would be getting a medal so when I saw one around his neck, I wasn't surprised.  However, in glancing through the programs during the Reviewing, I noticed this:

The cheeky little bugger!  He DID win the Top Cadet award in his division!!!   

Doesn't he look so handsome in his uniform?  In this photo, I see a sneak peek of the man that he may become, if he continues on, into the Navy as he is hoping to...

Bravo Zulu, LS Sykes - you make your momma proud... ♥


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

20 Questions with Aili | 2013

Today, the princess of the house turned NINE!!

What happened to this adorable baby!?

Er, I mean THIS adorable baby:

You may remember that I interviewed Aili on her 8th birthday.  Here are her answers*, verbatim, for 2013, at 9 years old:

1. What is your favourite colour?  pink
2. What is your favourite song?  what makes you Beutifel by 1D
3. How do you get to school?  school bus
4. What chore did you do last?  emptyd x loded Dishwasher
5. What do you want to be when you grow up?  Don't know yet
6. What is your favourite TV show?  fech with ruf rumen + wild crats
7. Who is your best friend?  Ashley + Amira
8. What is your favourite cereal?  chireoos
9. What makes you mad?  connor
10. What's under your bed?  puzzel
11. If you could have any pet, what would it be?  Bird or ginny pig
12. What do you like best about yourself?  i have celly hair (Mom note:  I think she means curly...)
13. What's your favourite joke?  nothing
14. What is your favourite holiday?  Chistmas
15. What vegetable do you like best?  cucumber
16. How tall are you?  3 ft + 5 in (Mom note:  not even close, but closer than last year's answer!)
17. What size shoe do you wear?  3
18. What's your favourite subject in school?  liBrary
19. What's your favourite sport?  gimnastics
20. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?  to change the wether


P/S:  Don't forget about the giveaways/challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

*Inspired by an interview that Nicole conducts with each of her children every year on their birthday, I used a combination of Nicole's questions, questions from a special issue from Simple Scrapbooks, Scrapbook Shortcuts with Quizzes and Questions, along with my own and came up with my own list. 

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