Monday, December 16, 2013

20 Questions with Connor | 2013

On Friday, this little cheeky monkey..

turned 14!

You may remember that a few years ago, I started interviewing the kids on their birthdays (or close to... :))   Here are Connor's answers, at 14 years old (ad verbatim, full of sarcasm and wit!):

1. What is your favourite colour?  green
2. What is your favourite song?  Demons by Imagine Dragons
3.  How do you get to school?  Well, I walk... outside and wait for the AC-130 that comes swooping by with a lowered hook that catches me and I'm hooked into the air.  I'm hauled into the plane.  I quickly slip on a parachute, say hi to my Navy SEAL buddies and head to the cargo door.  I jump out and release my parachute, directing myself so I'm aiming at the window that my friend has opened.  I detach myself from the parachute as I reach the window, then I tumble through, landing on my seat as class starts.
4.  What chore did you do last?  shovel the snow
5.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  I have no idea.
6.  What is your favourite TV show?  Sunday Night Football
7.  Who is your best friend?  Bailey
8.  What is your favourite cereal?  any and all
9.  What makes you mad?  failing
10.  What's under your bed?  I have no idea.
11.  If you could have any pet, what would it be?  shark
12.  What do you like best about yourself?  my sense of humour
13.  What's your favourite joke?  two guys walk into a bar.  The third one ducks.
14.  What is your favourite holiday?  Christmas
15.  What vegetable do you like best?  broccoli
16.  How tall are you?  5'8"
17.  What size shoe do you wear?  9
18.  What's your favourite subject in school?  geography
19.  What's your favourite sport?  football
20.  If you could have one superpower, what would it be?  to control time

You can find Connor's 2012 answers here.  As you can see, he's grown nearly 6 inches and 2 shoe sizes!  And he has his father's odd sense of humour... :D

Inspired by an interview that Nicole conducts with each of her children every year on their birthday, I used a combination of Nicole's questions, questions from a special issue from Simple Scrapbooks, Scrapbook Shortcuts with Quizzes and Questions, along with my own and came up with my own list. 


Monday, December 09, 2013

November Sketch Challenge Winner

Thanks to everyone who participated in the November 2013 Sketchy Challenge!  Sorry, I'm a bit late with posting a winner - the flu has been making its' way through our household!

Needless to say, I haven't had a chance to blog!  But a winner was randomly chosen, using

List Randomizer

There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. Karla Yungwirth
  2. Rebecca Daly
  3. Lynn
  4. Lee-Anne Thorton
  5. Sandy Ross
Timestamp: 2013-12-10 02:29:51 UTC

Congratulations, Karla! Please email me at sue{AT}canadianscrapbooker{DOT}ca with your mailing address and I will send you some goodies!

Thanks again to all who played along - and if you didn't get a chance to last month, you will have a chance each month!  See below my signature for a link to the December challenge!


P/S:  Don't forget about the challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
December Sketch Challenge (deadline Dec 31, 2013)

Friday, December 06, 2013

Free Font Friday | Dec 6

A simple yet fun font to share today!

To see more Free Font Friday posts, click here.


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Dec 2013 Sketchy Challenge | Deadline: Dec 31, 2013

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Sketchy Challenge | December 2013

I have just posted the December 2013 sketch for the Canadian Scrapbooker Sketchy Challenge:

My layout is coming - still have to photograph it but I'm up to my elbows in Christmas ornaments and garland right now!!

Please head over to the Sketchy gallery and get inspired to create your own layout!  You can use the sketch as is or as a springboard for your project - the choice is yours!

If you play along with the sketch this month, upload your layout in the gallery into the December Sketch section HERE, and then using the linky tool below, add a link to that layout, by 11:59pm on December 31st, 2013. On or around January 1st, 2014, I will randomly draw a winner from the comments here of those who participated, for a prize!

Stay tuned - I will be announcing our November 2013 Sketchy winner in a day or so... :)

**PLEASE NOTE:  In order to qualify for a chance to be published in an upcoming issue, your layout must be posted in the online gallery by December 31st, 2013.  To qualify to win MY prize, you must add a link to your layout BELOW by December 31st, 2013, using the InLinkz tool below.


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