Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Guest Designing: Susan K. Weckesser

Today I posted another project on Susan K. Weckesser's blog, My Sweet Earth.  I created a little mini sketch book to use for when inspiration strikes!

I really like how this one turned out!

I also covered a pencil in coordinating stamped paper:

You can see more details on the blog HERE...


P/S:  Don't forget about the challenges running on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)  - That's TODAY!
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Hack.

I'd like to publicly thank my two lovely, generous cherubs, for passing along their sickie germs who, despite my phobic hand washing, proved surprisingly resilient.

I've spent all morning in bed, trying to break the Guiness World Record for number of tissues used in a morning.  I think I may be close...

Of all weeks to be sick... Don't these germs know that it's CropFest this weekend??  Harrumph!  Hopefully, I'm back to work and right as rain tomorrow - because those bags aren't going to pack themselves!!  

Pass the OJ and garlic, please - It's not a Pity Party without them, you know...


P/S:  Don't forget about the challenges running on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seven Sunday Blessings: Apr 28

It's been nearly a month since I posted my Seven Sunday Blessings. Certainly not for lack of them, though...

This week, I am thankful:

1. That my audit at work is over, and everything went relatively smoothly.

2. For the warmer weather we have had lately - even if it's been sporadic, at best...

3. That my breadmaker has gone and died on us. Because I think I could seriously eat an entire loaf when it's fresh out of the oven!

4. That Connor got accepted for the CSTC program this year. He will be attenting the summer camp in July/Aug for two weeks.

5. For lunch with fellow co-workers at an awesome local Middle Eastern restaurant.

6. For technology.  Because you allow me to keep in touch with friends and family far away...

7.  For Crispy Baked Drumsticks with Honey Mustard Sauce.  Undoubtedly my family's favourite entree right now.

What are you thankful for this week?


P/S:  Don't forget about the challenges running on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Results of Being Challenged

During the March break, while Katrina, Jennifer and I were scrapping, Kat threw down the gauntlet and challenge us to complete a layout in 30 minutes.

Thirty minutes!?!  That is impossible for me to begin with,  but then she added additional requirements:  
  1. you had to use some kind of medium,
  2. the main colour had to be brown, and
  3. you had to include some sort of handmade flower.

Well, these sort of challenges always freak me out.  To be honest, while I work well under pressure for my other creative deadlines, this sort of quick-draw-not-in-my-own-space-with-ALL-of-my-toys kind of thing makes me twitchy!  The perfectionist in me constantly cringes because I don't have time to move everything around at least six times - I'm getting better but still can't just start sticking things down before I know what the entire thing is going to look like first!

So... I didn't finish in 30 minutes (surprise, suprise!) - in fact, it took me nearly 3 weeks before I unpacked it and added the finishing touches at home!

Geez, at this rate, I may have the kids' scrapbooks completed from birth to age 7.36, before they leave for university...

But I did get the basic bones of the layout done:

Supplies used:  Coredinations cardstock; Basic Grey, My Mind's Eye and October Afternoon patterned papers; McGill punch; My Favourite Things Dienamics dies; The Crafter's Workshop stencils; Golden modeling paste; October Afternoon alpha stickers; DecoArt paint; ClearSnap Stephanie Barnard and Ranger Adirondack mists; KaiserCraft rhinestone; miscellaneous half pearls and watercolour paints from my stash.

All I added at home was some watered down paint to the texturing (too stark white - had I not been pressed for time, I would have mixed the paint with the modeling paste first!), added the journaling and a few doodles.


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Free Font Friday: Apr 26

So many uses for this varsity-type hollow font!


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Seven Years Ago

and it still feels like yesterday.

R.I.P. Simon, Sept 24, 1997 - Apr 25, 2006

April 25, 2006.

We came home to find our beautiful Golden Retriever, Simon, lying on the kitchen floor, unable to get up.  Gary brought him into the emergency animal clinic that night around 7pm and as soon as the veterinarian checked his gums, he immediately knew that we would have to put him to sleep.

I cried for a week after he passed.

It was months before I could open the front door and not expect to hear his jingling collar.  

And even longer before I stopped searching under my desk while scrapping to feel for that warm furry body to warm my toes.

For the longest time, I adamantly shook my head when people asked if we were going to get another dog.  How could I replace him?  He was the kindest, gentlest soul you would ever meet.  He was so well trained, having had the advantage of Gary working from home during the first six months or so of his life, and me only working three days.  
  • When we first discovered I was pregnant, we would randomly walk by him and tug gently on his ear, or pull his tail, just so he would be used to the "loving" of children.
  • We could place his food or treat on the floor in front of him and he would wait until we said the magic word, "OK!" before he would eat it.
  • We held onto his food while he ate from our hand so he would never "snatch" and inadvertently bite small (or big!) fingers.  
  • We could tell him to sit/stay, leave the front door open and cross the street to check the mail.  No worries that he would run away or into busy traffic.
  • He was housebroken within a week.
  • He was very protective of our family.  One night, I was out for a late night walk through the park and there were a group of noisy teens.  He moved to walk between them and I, and when one inadvertently lunged out towards me (probably enacting a story he was telling), Simon went BERSERK, barking and growling.  It was all I could do to hold him back.
  • We used to call him "Hoover".  For months after his passing, I would exclaim to Gary, "Why is the floor so dirty!?  (Especially under the kitchen table...).  It then occurred to me that we had lost our furry little Roomba...
So many other stories and reason why he couldn't be replaced.  It wouldn't be fair to that new little Golden puppy, to be compared to such a dog.

But now?  Now, I'm starting to think that a puppy may be just the thing...  It's too bad that we discovered that Aili is allergic to dogs, or another Golden would be on my list!

Now, to convince Gary....


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!

Thanks to everyone for the comments on my IE Challenge #12!  Thanks for random.org, we have a winner!

List Randomizer

There were 25 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. SHartl
  2. Peggy
  3. Cathy
  4. wendipooh13
  5. Laura
  6. Bev
  7. Lisa Spiegel
  8. Buffy Esser
  9. Joy
  10. Malin/malwa
  11. Ann Jobes
  12. GinniG
  13. Tracey
  14. Sherri
  15. Sarah
  16. Laurel
  17. Joanne
  18. Darcy
  19. Christa
  20. Karenladd
  21. Sally Cranney
  22. LisaM
  23. Nicole
  24. Scrapenabler
  25. Jodi

Timestamp: 2013-04-23 12:20:45 UTC

Congratulations to SHartl, who said:
SHartlApril 18, 2013 3:21 AM  What a cute photo and amazing layout! I love the fun design with all the different patterns! I shared the hop on FB! https://www.facebook.com/shannon.hart.5811/posts/332510893537427
Please email me at sue{at}canadianscrapbooker{dot}ca with your mailing address and I will send your goodies to you!

You can view a list of all winners from our blog hop on the new Inspiration Elevator blog - if you aren't a follower yet, please get in and join us for the ride to the top! :)


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Sharing another casualty of the editing process... LOL!

Supplies used:  Bazzill cardstock; Fancy Pants patterned paper; Crafter's Companion stamps (Popcorn Bear - Smile) and Ultra Smooth alcohol marker cardstock; Ranger Tim Holtz distress ink;  Spectrum Noir markers (see below for palette); Martha Stewart Crafts punch; Offray ribbons; Scrapbook Adhesives foam adhesive; Dodz; Ranger Stickles, Glossy Accents.

Spectrum Noir palette:
Popcorn Bear:  TN1, FS3, EB2
Blanket:  DR2, DR4, DR6, TN1, FS3
Balloons:  LG1, LG2, LG3, CT1, CT2, CT4, PP1, PP3, TB4, TB5, TB7


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Things My Nonna Taught Me #124

I created this layout for a DT submission that didn't end up in the magazine due to lack of space so I thought I'd share it here.

Supplies used:  DCWVcardstock; Melissa Frances patterned paper, stickers; Ranger Tim Holtz distress ink; Silhouette Cameo; Good Vibes and Arial fonts; Martha Stewart Crafts and Fiskars punches; The Twinery twine.

Side note:  I don’t often purchase paper packs, since it’s rare that all of the papers will appeal to me.  However, the background cardstock used here is the backside of a patterned paper from a DCWV Christmas stack – it’s a gorgeous kraft colour!  I bought the pack, figuring that I could use the kraft side of all the papers that didn't appeal to my style!

Isn't she adorable, with her weathered skin and like all little old Italian women, a tiny hint of a moustache? :)  I remember her hair was nearly to her waist but she always wore it up in a severe chignon at the nape of her neck.  The only time it would be down was while it was drying after her bath.

Journaling (within photo mat) reads:  
When I was 17, I spent the summer in Italy where my Nonna lived.  Every morning, she rose at 6am to make the day’s pasta.  One morning, I woke up early and snuck downstairs to watch.  She taught me how to make the pasta dough and how to carefully feed it through the machine. Best day of the summer, just Nonna and I… (Photo circa 1995)

Here are the detail images:

Seeing these photos makes me miss my Nonna and Italy.  I definitely want to take my family back to visit the relatives that are remaining there.  One summer....


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Free Font Friday: Apr 19

This font reminds me of a modern wedding script - it has a great weight to it, too, for cutting with the Silhouette!


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Inspiration Elevator:  Challenge 12 (deadline Apr 22/13)
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy:  Embrace Change (deadline May 31/13)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Inspiration Elevator - Challenge 12

Welcome to another Inspiration Elevator reveal!  We are thrilled to celebrate the end of our first year of Inspiration Elevator challenges and are anticipating that the second year will see that creative growth continue to go UP!

To celebrate our first anniversary and our fabulous designers, Christa and Ann decided to challenge the designers to take an in-depth look at a fellow designer's artistic portfolio via her blog, choose elements from that designer's creations and then incorporate them into her own work.  In other words, we are encouraging a scrapLIFT!  Rather than a mere copy of someone else’s work, this is a stylistic scraplift that should inspire each designer to grow creatively as she is inspired, yet remain true to her own style.

As the second year of this creative journey begins, and as the popularity of Inspiration Elevator increases, we have created a new blog for our Inspiration Elevator Challenges.  So, if you want to play along you can find the challenges and links to the inspiration all in one place!  To celebrate our first year, our hopping will incorporate RAKs along the way – how exciting!  Now, before you go hopping along, we want to let you know of a few personnel changes.

While we are so excited to welcome back most of our original design team members for Year Two, we are saddened to be saying goodbye to Audrey Yeager.  Audrey has creatively embraced every challenge over the past year, and has been a super part of our design team over the past 12 months.  We hope you will continue to stop by her blog and see her gorgeous creations.  Thank you, Audrey, for sharing our journey – we are grateful for you!

We are very pleased to announce a new member to our design team.  Join us as we welcome Jodi Wilton!!  Jodi's design style is happy and whimsical and we are looking forward to sharing this new year of growth with her and seeing how her creative muse is tickled by our challenges.

Initially, when I was informed that I would be scraplifting Joanne Burton's creations, I was thrilled.  But then, after scrolling through her body of work, the feeling waned a bit....

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Joanne's work but there were just TOO many that I loved!!  I greatly admire Joanne's style and the ease at which she adds such wonderful details to her layouts.  I am often left with a feeling of "Wow, such a simple idea - and I would have never thought of that!"

After staring at her gorgeous artwork for nearly a month, I finally settled on one to which I was constantly drawn back:

I have admired these patterned paper starbursts for a while now.  In addition to the kewl starburst, I also loved the additional touches of washi tape and stickers, with the mist drops and border punches.

Here's my take on Joanne's layout:

Supplies used:  Bazzill cardstock; DCWV patterned papers; My Little Shoebox and Chatterbox alpha stickers; Martha Stewart Crafts border punches; Riff Raff Designs chipboard tree; Recollections and unknown washi tape; Sakura pen; miscellaneous watercolour paints; doilies, buttons, bling, tissue paper.

My layout is pretty much lifted directly from Joanne's - I didn't change much.  Why?  Because I am of a mind where "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"  I did move the title down and shifted the cluster to the top right of the photo, but for the most part, this was based entirely on her design.

I know you all have product in your stash that you can't bear to part with (Right?  Or is that just me!?!)  I have had these white Chatterbox letters for about 8 years!! I've used them a few times, but only the capital letters.  I'm so glad I kept them because they are perfect for this title.  I think I may add a little stitching through the title though, to make sure the adhesive sticks, as I notice the "i" is starting to lift.

I doubled up some tissue paper and free-handed a cloud.  I then crumpled it to add some texture and added it to the layout with staples.

My favourite part of the layout is this curlicue tree from the sadly now defunct, Riff Raff Designs.  Another oldie but goodie from my stash!

Thanks, Joanne, for the wonderful inspiration!  Love ya!

We mentioned RAKs or giveaways at each designer’s blog this month, since we’re celebrating our first year.  And so to thank our lovely Inspiration Elevator followers, I'm going to offer a yummy prize to a lucky reader!  Simply spread the message about our Inspiration Elevator on your blog or social media sites and add a link below to your announcement by 11:59pm on April 22nd and I will enter you into a draw for a RAK!  The winner will be announced on my blog on April 24th.

As well, please read each designer’s instructions regarding the giveaway as they will vary.  We will post a final list of all winners on April 24th on the Inspiration Elevator blog, so be sure to pop back, and if you create something based on this month’s challenge, please link it up on the IE blog!

Here's a list of my fellow other designers - please be sure to leave them some love, too!


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Free Font Friday: Apr 12

Here's a cool hollow font - great to colour with my Spectrum Noir markers!!


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Life Imploding

My good intentions are not meeting my own expectations this week!

Not only am I racing around trying to get packed for ScrapFest, but I have an audit all next week at one of my stores and it's seriously put a kink in my schedule!


I really need some creative time.  I have deadlines looming, and a million project ideas swirling around in my brain right now.

Murphy's Law of Creative Arts:  Mojo will never fail you when you don't have the time to create.

I still have my IE project from March to photograph, and two or three layouts to finish, from our March break trip to finish.  Not to mention my new Saturated Canary digi stamps and Angelica & Friends stamps that I am dying to play with!  I almost wish I was taking the train into Kitchener so I could have time on the ride up to sit and colour! :)

Gosh, I'm having my own little pity party here, aren't I?

I'm usually not so glass-half-full, but for some reason, this week I am feeling the pinch of working full-time and trying to fit everything else in.

Once my audit is done, I will have play time with my friends, at CropFest, and all will be right in my world!!

So thanks for hanging about in the interim - I'm hoping to get back to regular blogging again soon!!  And if you're going to be at ScrapFest this weekend, stop by the Canadian Scrapbooker booth and say hello!


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Tiny Dancer

Last Saturday, Aili had her first dance recital.

I find it a little bit sad that she's almost nine and this is her first recital. :(  But when she was three, we had her in a ballet class which ended in a fairly traumatic episode - everything is traumatic at three, if you recall... - and she wouldn't go to another dance class.  We tried soccer.  And baseball.  And gymnastics.  Nothing kept her attention.

Then Connor's swimming began to monopolize our time and we put her in swimming, since we were there all the time anyways.

Only to find out that she had a chlorine allergy.  Sigh.

Over the last year, however, she has been dancing around the house and singing away so we were determined to try again, just at the local community centre.

She loved it.

So we were excited to attend her recital at the end of the session.  Before her recital, she showered and I blow dried her hair into her natural gorgeous curls.  Truth be told, I think she was more excited about wearing eyeshadow and mascara...

I snapped a quick photo with my phone before we left:

There were so many family members and friends there of all the dancers that I didn't think we'd be able to see much, but we managed to sneak in off to the left side of the stage and snapped photos and this video:

Dance Recital from grayskyes on Vimeo.

My favourite part?  When she finally connects with her daddy, videotaping, and she gives him a shy little grin.

Oh, I love her little hair flips throughout. :)


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Friday, April 05, 2013

Free Font Friday: Apr 5

I love this rounded, handwritten font!


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Monday, April 01, 2013

March Sketchy Challenge Winner!!

We have a winner!!!

Even though it's by default (she was the only participant... *sad*), I'm still excited to announce that Julie Mitchell is the winner of the March 2013 Sketchy Challenge giveaway on my blog!  Here is her fabulous take on my sketch:
Congratulations, Julie!  Please send me an email with your mailing address and I will send out your prize package to you ASAP!  Thanks for playing!

For everyone else, there's a chance for you to win this month - you can check out the April sketch challenge on my blog here!  Deadline is April 30, 2013!


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