gasp* I KNOW! (said in my best Craig Ferguson voice... and if you don't know who Craig Ferguson is... click HERE and think Drew Carey's boss...)
We celebrated Thanksgiving here this year. Usually, we head up to Gary's parents for Thanksgiving, taking in the Erin Fall Fair while we're there.
Speaking of the Fall Fair, I found these little gems while searching through the THOUSANDS of
photos that I have...
Look how wee she is!!

Okay, so it's a big tractor.
This one actually made the cover of the Erin newspaper - and I think I already blogged about it, but hey, a mama gets to be proud of her first born!

So we decided to host dinner. My whole family came, with the exception of my nephew, who was sunning his behind in Cuba (ah, the university life!) and I was well prepared this time, so I actually got to enjoy myself, save a few harrowing moments right before serving, when everything needs to be done! Thanks to my brother-in-law, Bill, who is a whiz with a potato masher! ;)
The 15th brought about another Just Cre8 reveal - November's kits! And though I'm really not happy with the kit photos, as it doesn't do the kits' colours justice AT ALL, the design team has totally ROCKED this kit and has shown a fair representation of the colours and beauty of it!
And a few days, later, we had our 2nd Annual Revive & Rejuven8 Fall Crop! Oh, how I *heart* my Cre8ive Crew!!! They are so fabulous!! If you missed our weekend of fun, I'm sorry to hear it, but you'll be happy to know that the challenges are still up there so you can work along at your own pace!
Which of course, is what *I* was able to do! But first things first, I had to see if I could find my desk and table amidst the mess...
And lo and behold, I found my room!! It's never been this clean so I just had to take photos... because it didn't last long, once I started Cre8ing! :)
First, let me say that the colour of the walls looks washed out in some of the photos. It's actually Behr 410A-2 Cabbage Green (in reality, however, it's closer to Carolina Parake?)

I have two ideas: One is to add a curtain rod type thing that will hold my favourite layouts. The other is to do this. I'm leaning more to the first, since I have plans (STILL) to do the second in our foyer/hall.
This is the rest of my L-shaped desk.

The next photo is not a great picture, because of the flash, but this shows my awesome custom-made Skribblz Art on my wall. Ironically, Katrina made this for me as a hostess gift when she and her family stayed with us a couple of years ago... long before Just Cre8 was born!

I will share this little gem though, as I realized that I forgot to post Aili's graduation photo from daycare:

Thanks for reading!
wow Sue! it's great to see your scraproom! so much cleaner than mine...LOL!