We're having the "Mother of All Yard Sales" this weekend at my dad's (in honour of Mother's Day, of course! ;)) Only Friday and Saturday, though so we can enjoy some family time on Sunday! Or more likely, we will enjoy some downtime as the last few weeks have been jam packed with activities and tasks!
In the last few weeks, we revealed a kit (see sidebar at right - isn't it yummy? You should definitely check out the Cre8ive Crew's designs this month - so inspiring! I even managed to get a few done:
I also made this sweet (or should I say "tweet"?) little canvas for my sweetie to put in his office at work... of course, I love the colours so much that it's still sitting on a little shelf in MY office... :D

I made Gary this in honour of introducing me to Twitter! You can follow me on Twitter under sugarskyes - and check out Just Cre8 on Twitter too for updates, sneak peeks and more fun!
If you're wondering why my username on Twitter is sugarskyes... No, get your mind out of the gutter - it's nothing to do with that!! :) The "sugar" part comes from mixing our names together (Sue + Gary = SuGar). The "skyes" is because at least once a day, someone (usually a telemarketer!) calls us Mr. or Mrs. SKYES instead of SYKES!!
A bit of useless trivia for you: I almost named my company Sugar Skyes instead of Just Cre8!
Connor also started soccer this season (Aili decided to forgo it this year, sadly... but we're going to start with dance lessons soon!) - Gary signed up to be an assistant coach and due to lack of participation, is now a coach!! It's not really something we have time alot of time for this summer, but both he and Connor are looking forward to it! They had their first practice on Tuesday and seem to have a pretty good team! He's, once again, #13! :D
This summer is the summer of athletics for Connor, as he's also starting golf lessons on Saturday! He's looking forward to it - and I think Gary's even excited at the prospect of the two of them getting up early on Saturdays for early morning tee off times!
It's going to be a hectic few months for us, trying to coordinate it all, as he still has swim practice twice a week (until mid-July) and to top it all off, he's tried out for the Track & Field school team! The track meet is tomorrow and will decide if he makes the team! Fingers crossed - he's quite excited about it!
I'd better head to bed - I have a full day tomorrow, marking, packing and moving stuff out to my dad's for the yard sale. If you may remember, all of our hard work paid off at our last yard sale... anyone want to place some bets on this year's total? We're clearing out ALL of the kidlets' baby toys and clothes (no looking back now!!), as well as a few big ticket electronic items! I'm hoping to make enough to get some custom-made blinds for my front room!
Just to make it fun, post your guesses here before Sunday night (10pm EST) and the person with the closest guest will receive a little gift from me! ;)
hahaha let me be the first to guess, 1505.02! Have fun getting rid of it all!
ReplyDeletegood guess jennifer, but i'm guessing $1349.75 LOL
ReplyDeletehave fun with your garage sale Sue - i gotta get my stuff together for ours in a few weeks as well!
I am going to guess...$923 (although I hope you make lots more!) Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHave my fingers crossed for you...my guess is 1,115.69. Good luck and hope it all sells!
ReplyDeleteHow about $999 buckaroos?