Browsing through my blog post, I came across this quiz, sent to me from a friend.
Since I want to do a better job of documenting the Here and Now, I thought it would be interesting to see how my life has changed in five years...
1. What is your occupation right now?
2010: Accountant. Writer. Photographer. Teacher. Mom. Take your pick.
2015: Mom. Wife. Accountant. Scrapbooker. Event Coordinator.
2. What colour are your socks right now?
2. What colour are your socks right now?
2010: Pink
2015: Black
3. What are you listening to right now?
3. What are you listening to right now?
2010: Beautiful Day by U2
2015: Prayer in C by Robin Schulz
4. What was the last thing that you ate?
4. What was the last thing that you ate?
2010: Marshmallow egg
2015: Red seedless grapes
5. Can you drive a stick shift?
5. Can you drive a stick shift?
2010: But of course!
2015: Definitely. It's a good skill to have!
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
2010: Gary, via BlackBerry Messenger
2015: My nephew, Cory, via iMessage
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
2010: Absolutely!
2015: Still like her, although I haven't seen here in years!
8. How old are you today?
8. How old are you today?
2010: 42. And holding.
2015: 39. I don't know how that happened...
9. What is your favourite sport to watch on TV?
9. What is your favourite sport to watch on TV?
2010: Hockey, with soccer and football tied for second place.
2016: Football, hands down! Probably the ONLY sport I watch on TV. Even with the Blue Jays in the finals...
10. What is your favourite drink?
10. What is your favourite drink?
2010: Lime Margharitas and Bailey's on ice.
2015: Gin and tonic, Bloody Caesars
11. Have you ever dyed your hair?
11. Have you ever dyed your hair?
2010: Ever since I was 19 - heck, I can't even REMEMBER my original shade!
2015: Out of necessity now. So. Much. Grey. (although the "Granny look" is trending!)
12. Favourite food?
12. Favourite food?
2010: King crab legs
2015: Still crab legs, with salted butter. Also a thick, juicy steak is delicious!
13. What is the last movie you watched?
13. What is the last movie you watched?
2010: Up In The Air
2015: The Princess Diaries (trying to keep Aili awake for her sleep-deprived EEG test the next morning) and Back to the Future (in honour of yesterday - Oct 21, 2015!)
14. Favorite day of the year?
14. Favorite day of the year?
2010: First day of school! :D
2015: First day of summer!
15. How do you vent anger?
15. How do you vent anger?
2010: I'd say yoga... but there's nothing like a good cleansing scream.
2015: See above.
16. What was your favourite toy as a child?
16. What was your favourite toy as a child?
2010: Easy Bake oven. Barbie Stylin' Head.
2015: See above. And my Hot Wheels race track.
17. What is your favourite season?
17. What is your favourite season?
2010: Fall
2015: This answer will never change - I LOVE fall weather!
18. Cherries or Blueberries?
18. Cherries or Blueberries?
2010: Cherries
2015: Cherries. Unless I'm super hungry and don't want to chew around the pit! :)
19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
2010: I want them to post their answer on THEIR blog, with a link in my comments so I can see! :)
2015: n/a
20. Who is the most likely to respond?
20. Who is the most likely to respond?
2010: I dunno!
2015: n/a
21. Who is least likely to respond?
21. Who is least likely to respond?
2010: I dunno!
2015: n/a
22. Living arrangements?
2010: Hubby, son, daughter.
2015: Hubby. Son. Daughter. Still waiting for the hubby to agree to another Golden Retriever...
23. When was the last time you cried?
23. When was the last time you cried?
2010: January
2015: Last week. Stupid commercial.
24. What is on the floor of your closet?
24. What is on the floor of your closet?
2010: Bag of clothes to donate. Basket of shoes. Laundry Basket. Clothes that missed the aforementioned item.
2015: Framed university/college degree/diplomas. Sconces to be hung up. Basket of mismatched socks. (WHERE DO THEY GO!?!?!)
25. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to?
25. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to?
2010: n/a
26. What did you do last night?
26. What did you do last night?
2010: Easter dinner with family, then played Wii.
2015: Event planning for fundraiser crop (April 2016!! Save the date!)
27. What are you most afraid of?
27. What are you most afraid of?
2010: Something terrible happening to any of my family members or friends.
2015: Same
28. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger?
28. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger?
2010: Cheese, please - but make mine mozzarella and don't be afraid to add some sauteed onions and mushrooms, and a bit of bbq sauce, too!
2010: Golden Retrievers, of course.
2015: Still love 'em!
30. Favourite day of the week?
2010: Friday. The only day where we don't have swim practice or gymnastics or meetings... it's our Family night.
2015: Thursday or Friday - depending on when the football game is! :)
31. How many countries have you lived in?
31. How many countries have you lived in?
2010: One
2015: Still one... unless I win the 50 millions dollars and then I'm moving to Bora Bora.
32. Diamonds or pearls?
32. Diamonds or pearls?
2010: Diamonds - much less pretentious and a whole lot more sparkly!
2015: Diamonds - it's all about the bling, baby!
33. What is your favourite flower?
33. What is your favourite flower?
2010: Gerbera Daisy, Stargazer Lily, Dahlia, Iris... I'm not particular, if you want to send them...
2015: Peonies. And orchids.
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