Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Timeline...

I saw this on the blog of my wonderful friend, Crystal, and thought it would make for an interesting layout, a sort of timeline of my life at this given moment!

40 years ago - And so it begins...

35 years ago - I started pre-school with Mrs. Tippett, where I met Catherine - and we have been friends ever since!

30 years ago - I was in Grade 4, Mrs. LaSala's Gr. 4/5 split class and used to eat lunch with Paul H., who went on to be a big famous male model!! He used to bring Oreos every day and could split them apart, pull out the fillings, roll them into a ball and throw it away - and just eat the cookies! Funny how we remember certain things, eh? ;)

25 years ago - In the words of some very famous naked ladies, THIS IS ME IN GR. 9! Met all kinds of new friends and joined the cheerleading squad! We were even in the local newspaper! (I'll have to dig that gem out of my memorabilia...)

20 years ago - I started my business degree at the University of Western Ontario in London, ON. First time living on my own, away from my small home town in the big city... I was in HEAVEN!

15 years ago - I hosted that fateful Hat Party with my best friend, Monica, at her house. The night Gary and I realized that there was something more than friendship going on...

10 years ago - We purchased our very first home, the year before we got married! It was the little townhome that could! Turned out to be a very profitable purchase ;)

9 years ago - I married my best friend, for better or worse, richer and poorer, in sickness and in health... despite having forgotten those lines on the big day! :)

7 years ago - Gary and I moved to our second home and a few months later, were blessed with a healthy beautiful baby boy!

5 years ago - Along with the rest of the world, I experience horror, disbelief, shock and sadness over the trauma of 9/11 and the events that followed.

3 years ago - We travelled to Mexico with my parents, sisters and their families as a gift from my parents to all of us. In a week, we created memories that will last us a lifetime.

2 years ago - We welcomed into our home, and our hearts, our lovely baby girl. Unfortunately, we also discovered, a few weeks earlier, that my mother's thyroid cancer had metastasized and spread to her lungs. We had four bittersweet months into which we tried to stuff a lifetime of future memories, before she lost her battle, two days before Christmas.

1 year ago - I was approached by the editors of a newly established Canadian magazine, Canadian Scrapbooker and asked to join their team of writers. I was (and still am!) honoured that they chose me and grateful for this fantastic opportunity to be a small part of this Canadian history!

1 month ago - We were gearing up for my sister's big Halloween party

Yesterday - We went to the annual Shoppers Drug Mart Christmas party.

Tomorrow - After work, I'm taking Connor to his swim lessons and planning to stop and buy my Secret Santa gift for ************* (you didn't think I would tell you who it is, did you?? ;))

Thanks for jogging some great memories, Crystal! Let's see what great memories everyone else can come up with!


  1. Sue this was amazing. What a beautiful way to tell your life's story! I would love to do this!!!

  2. Thats a neat survey and it would make a cool layout too!

  3. Hey, thanks for playing, Sue!! I learned some more things about you, my amazing friend!! Have a great week!

  4. I like this idea Sue!! It's nice to read this about other people.

  5. Great list and I love the name of your blog!! That's one of my favorite phrases.


Thank you for your comments - I appreciate the feedback!

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