Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It's finally over!

The yard sale, that is.

It seems to have consumed so much of my time, of late. I guess the payoff was all of the compliments that we received this weekend, commenting on how organized we were. I wish I had taken my camera with me - it was amazing how much STUFF we had! Mind you, it was three families - my two sisters and I - with a few boxes of Dad's & Gary's parents' things mingled in.

So, was it worth it, you ask?

Heck, yeah! We grossed over $2,800 in total all weekend! Crazy how the quarters and dollars can add up, eh? Best of all, whatever didn't sell was boxed up for either Children's Aid, women's & men's shelters or St. Vincent de Paul charities. Almost nothing came home with us, except my like-brand-new Rollerblades (used twice, I think?) and a whole lotta empty totes! Ah, so liberating, to be done with alot of clutter!

To celebrate the liberating freedom of being clutter free, I am offering up a RAK to the person who guesses the exact amount (or closest to) that we collected for our family alone. Post your answers here by 11:59pm EST on Saturday and I will announce the winner on Sunday!


  1. My guess is $1100.00 just for your family alone!!

    Way to go!!

  2. I'm saying $1085 for your family. I have no idea why that popped into my head - telepathy, I think.

    I'm glad you are liberated from that stuff!! Isn't it awesome to look around and see space and order? Enjoy!

  3. cool. well done you :)

    i guess $1,347 ish.

    this who garage/yard sale is new ot me - need to chekc some out :)

  4. $1499
    WTG on getting rid of all that stuff! That is a lot of money for a sale!

  5. I so need to do this Sue...I have stuff stashed away for a garage sale, just need to find a place in town to have one...

    I'm gonna guess $780

  6. Hey Sue

    Want to come and help me do the same?

    My guess is $1000.00

    Judy Bornais

  7. Sue

    David Guessed $1250 and would love your help decluttering (except not his garage)

    Judy B.


Thank you for your comments - I appreciate the feedback!

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