For now, I'll start with the summer... Canada Day, to be specific. We had arrived home after the weekend at my cousins' place the night before and decided to tackle the bane of my garden's very existence.
Overflowing onto my walkway and overshadowing my beautiful front bay window was a huge monstrosity of a bush. Thanks to my dark brown (okay, BLACK!) thumb, I can't give you any more details, except that the darn thing was near impossible to kill! While it was a beautiful plant, it easily grew out of control despite near-regular pruning. And I couldn't see out of my window!
Late in the fall, we cut it down right to the roots, with the intent of asking our neighbour's help in pulling it out with his pickup. At the last minute, we chickened out after discovering that the roots probably had worked their way under our walkway - we were afraid that they'd pull up the concrete! Lord knows, it would be just the sort of thing that sorry plant would do to me!!
Well... we showed it:

Gary spent the morning cutting it down and hacking at the roots (with an ax, no less!) to yank it out, in preparation for our new garden.

In the interest of trying to live up to my adage of "Learn something new every day", I'll share an interesting photography tidbit that I learned over at PW's site.
Notice the wondefully blurred background in the photo of Aili above, that allows the emphasis to be on her sweet face? I always used to call it "short depth of field" Apparently, there's a word for it: Bokeh. There's a great article by Miz Booshay on the topic here.
Go and learn something new today!
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