Yesterday, Aili and I braved the 15+cm that fell throughout the night and headed into the city for a day of shopping with my sister, Teresa. The roads were TERRIBLE!! There was no rhyme nor reason to how the roads were ploughed (plowed?) - some main streets weren't but some of the lesser-traveled side streets were!! Must have been one of the snowplough (snowplow?) operator's streets! ;)
I didn't get much accomplished - a few more Christmas gifts crossed off my lists but at the cost of an increasingly tantrum-proned child. I finally gave up around 3pm and headed back home to pick up Connor from latchkey - of course, Aili fell promptly asleep! So she was quite grumpy when we got home.
After dinner, she went right to bed (of course, not without a fight though!) I went in to say goodnight and felt an overwhelming need to lay down! I laid down on my bed for a minute... and woke up at 10:30pm - contacts still in, teeth unbrushed... ugh! I got up with the intentions of heading downstairs to get a few hours of work in but still felt so sleepy so I laid my head down for a minute... (do you see a pattern here?)
At 6:00am this morning, I heard my cell phone alarm go off and hopped out of bed! Of course, my contacts were stuck to my corneas from sleeping in them... but it was nice to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when the kids got up! ;)
At any rate, that's my excuse for not posting the gingerbread house photos, as promised!
It started off fairly cooperatively... despite some sibling rivalry over who would get to put the peppermint candies on the roof.

Okay, so far, so good... no casualties and the kids are still on speaking terms...

And lastly, because a day without laughter is like a day without sunshine, I leave you with this, my dancing queen:

Why, you ask, did I convert it to B&W??? To save you from the horror of a 4 year old, picking out her own clothes:

Crazy kid. Must take after her dad... ;)
Hey Sue..just popping in to wish you and yours all the best over the festive season :)