Sunday, September 30, 2012

Seven Sunday Blessings - Sept 30

This week, I am thankful:

1.  For hoodies.  I love that the weather is turning cooler in the evenings and I can slip on my hoodie and sit on the deck to unwind.

2.  For my sisters.  Every girl should have a sister - I'm blessed with two.

3.  That we are slowly purging our house in an effort to simplify our lives.  Slow going, but steady.

4.  For dental coverage.  Crowns are expensive!

5.  For play dates.  Aili and her friend had lots of fun on Saturday afternoon.

6.  That my kids are young enough to still totally lose themselves in Lego.

7.  For Easy Cherry Delight Dessert.  Because some of us can bake a mean cupcake but run screaming in the other direction at the thought of having to bake a cheesecake...

What are YOU thankful for this week?


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30, 2012) {-- TODAY!!
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Flashback Fridays - Sept 28

Here's one to remember... :)

Conversation of the Day (originally posted Oct 30, 2006):

As heard at the dinner table, between Mommy and Aili:

{Scene opens with a very LOUD rumbling coming from the nether regions of the young leading lady}

Mommy: [gasp] "What was that?!?"
Aili: [quite proudly, with a big grin] "TOOT!"
Mommy: [nearly passing out from the fumes] "Yes, toot is right! What do you say?"
Aili: [holding her nose] "Stinky!"
Mommy: "No, what do you say?"
Aili: [still holding her nose, while scrunching up her face] "Stinky. Yuck."
Mommy: [light-headed from the lack of oxygen] "Aili Grace! Where are your manners?!?"
Aili: "'Scuse me!"
Mommy: "Thank you!"

Well, if she's not picking her nose... boy, I really feel as if I'm succeeding in raising a lady... [insert rolling eyes here]


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

*Sniffle* *Snork* *Cough*

Thank you, evil head cold germs, for planning your invasion this week, rather than next week when I have an inventory, followed by a week's holiday filled with my bestie from the Westie and a weekend filled with scrapping, laughing and shopping!

Yes, despite my best handwashing efforts, Aili managed to sneak her stuffy nose and pounding head into my body.

Figurately, of course.

And of course, I  had two loss prevention audits today so had to spend the day shuffling between two stores to meet with the auditor.

Some days are pure motivation to run out and buy $1,000 worth of lottery tickets.

At any rate, the countdown is on... Amanda arrives in T minus 12 sleeps!  


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12) {-- only 4 days left!
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scrapbook Studio Tour: Part III

Welcome back to the Studio 360 Tour!  I'm going to continue on sharing the details of my newly renovated scrapbook studio.

If you've missed it, you can view Part I here and Part II here!  Click the images to view in larger format.

So let's continue on around the room to the south wall:

Next to Molly is the 4x2 Expedit bookcase from Ikea.  I love the versatility of this piece.  (Check out this great project by {The Smith Nest} - perfect for a little corner!)  I used it vertically for the desk and here it is horizontally:

I originally was going to use it vertically, up against the large bookcase, with a 2x2 unit right next to it.  But decided to go this route, to have more counter space.

For things like...

My glass jars (Walmart) filled with ribbon and trim; washi tape in galvanized buckets with chalkboard labels (Target), my paint racks (purchased from wholesaler):

My Victorian two-tiered plant stand (Costco) which instead of plants, houses my mists, paint brushes, mixed mediums and spray adhesives:

My Clip-It-Up stand:

The bottom rack holds all of my letter stickers, sorted by colour.  I love my old vintage Basic Grey letter stickers but the 12x12 format was too large to rotate freely, and because they usually consist of separate family colours, I cut them apart and store them in the appropriate colour family.

The top rack of my Clip-It-Up holds my rubber/acrylic stamps that are most often used, sorted by manufacturer:

The shelving unit itself holds...

My scrapbook albums.  As you can see, some of them still have their wrappings on!  I purchased them from my wholesaler in colours, as per my Library of Memories system (per Stacey Julian).  The red (and smaller) black bins with silver grommets are from my Shoppers Drug Mart stores from last summer, but I think they carry similar ones at Walmart.  I still have to add tags to everything to easily find everything.

On this shelving unit, they hold 1) my Slice tool and acessories; 2) my rub-ons (which need major purging!):

3) chipboard shapes and 4) chipboard/acrylic alphas:

In one cubby, next to the albums, I have a bin full of Just Cre8 stamps, designed by me!  (And now 40% off with coupon so check it out here! :))  Next to it are my stamping pads and a DIY project to store masks and templates, based on this fabulous tutorial by Alissa Fast of Cocoa Daisy (bound by binder rings):

Next to these are two more bins, one with my lesser-used acrylic stamps and another with my heat tool and embossing powders (can you say obsessed?):

Above the entire unit is a Ribba picture ledge from Ikea that we (and by we, I mean Gary) spray-painted with Krylon paint in Gloss Black.  It holds 8 Rajtan glass jars with brads and eyelets, sorted by colour, my beloved little metal chick (isn't he adorable?!)...

As well as a leather "S" (both found at Michaels) and this lovely stamped tile from VersaTile, owned by my friend, Lori Mancini.  It is one of my favourite quotes (and found in my Words to Live By in my sidebar):

Next week, we'll continue on around the room!  (ETA:  Click here for Part IV)


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Seven Sunday Blessings - Sept 23

This week, I am thankful:

1.  For Dr. J.  Her conscientiousness has hopefully caught a complication with Gary's health and we're keeping positive that the results of the changes are good!

2.  For Pinterest and the yummy healthy recipes I find on there!

3.  For family movie night.  Nothing like cuddling on the sofa with blankets and a big bowl of popcorn!

4.  That Connor is okay with our suggestion to take a year off of swimming.  He's sad to leave the team and miss out on the opportunities this year, but excited for new adventures with Sea Cadets and band!

5.  For the crisp fall weather.  Perfect for apple picking - maybe next weekend!?

6.  For sunflower seeds.  Especially dill pickle flavour! :)

7.  For our neighbours, John and Angi, who picked up the kids some dinner while we were stuck at the hospital waiting for a consultation.  Our neighbours rock!

What are YOU thankful for this week?


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Last Swim Practice

For this year, anyways...

On Thursday, we made the decision as a family to withdraw from swimming this year.  Many of the reasons were related to Gary's heart attack and now subsequent complications that have arisen.  The commute, the long hours - it was just a lot to manage.

Another reason was the amount of Connor's time that it took up.  We figured that with the 30-45 minute commute each way, he was spending over 20 hrs a week at practice.  That's almost a full day of his week.  I know that it's one of the reasons that WEST is the best team in the area but he wasn't showing any significant reductions in his times and it seemed like a lot of time and effort and money if he wasn't getting any better.  This is Connor's final year at LDS and he had never really had a chance to hang out with his friends after school because there was always practice or homework or swim meets to go to...

We talked about it and he's okay with the break.  He was actually a little excited that he could now try out for a few of the sports teams and the school band, since he didn't have to race off to practice every night.

Don't get me wrong - he loves swimming and is hoping to go back next year when Gary's health is back up to par.  And we love the friends that we have made and the swim meet weekends away and watching him excel at a sport that he loves.

This is just the best decision we could make for our family right now.

So this year, he will continue to strengthen his body and work on his stamina.  The bummer is that this is the last year that he will qualify for the Giochi della Gioventu' (a spot on the Canadian team to compete in Salerno, Italy in June 2013) as well as for the International Children's Games that will be held in Windsor in 2013).

But everything happens for a reason, and we're okay with that.  If these opportunities pass us by, it's because there are bigger and better ones around the corner.  He has started with the Sea Cadets and loves that, too - they spent all last weekend sailing!

And so, after practice on Friday, he hung up his fins and googles and flutter board for this year and will see what this year brings for him.  I, for one, am excited to follow along on this new bittersweet adventure...


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Clear Out Sale

Many of you may know that I used to run a scrapbooking kit company, Just Cre8.

On July 18, 2009, I made the announcement that we would stop creating kits and designing stamps and leave the online store open to clear out inventory.

The time has come now to close that down as well.  But first, we'd like to clear out as much of the inventory that we still have!  Not only to recoup a small part of the costs, but also to regain some of our basement space too! :)

I've posted the following message on my Facebook wall, but would appreciate it if everyone can spread the word, since we are closing everything down, effective October 31st, 2012:

Please share with your friends: 
We are blowing out the rest of the inventory, left over from my Just Cre8 kit company days, in an effort to cease operations completely, effective October 31, 2012.
Save $40 and take 40% off your total order - STAMP SETS INCLUDED!! Coupon code is SPEND40TAKE40
Check it out here:
ETA (May 2013):  We have since shut down the store, but I will be making some products available for sale - visit my For Sale page here! :)

Thank you in advance for your help!


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Flashback Fridays - Sept 21

As much as I liked Flirty Fridays, I was scrolling through my blog last week and came across so many cute blog posts with stories about the kids and cute photos so I thought I'd remind myself about them with FlashBack Fridays!!  I know, not as much fun as Flirty Fridays, but I'm hoping it will remind me to share more stories rather than just layouts, cards, dt projects and half-naked men.  

It makes me feel a bit more respectable, too!

Here's a post from July 10, 2006:

I forgot to post these adorable pics of the kids, taken at African Lion Safari.

The fierce tigress licks her lips as she watches her prey...

while the ferocious cheetah growls...

I know I may be biased - but aren't they just so gosh darn cute?!?! :)

Read on to hear about our trip...


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

20 Questions, 2012 - Aili

Inspired by an interview that Nicole conducts with each of her children every year on their birthday, I decided that it was the perfect way to document the ever-changing personalities and tastes of my kids.  I just wish I had started earlier...

I used a combination of Nicole's questions, questions from a special issue from Simple Scrapbooks, Scrapbook Shortcuts with Quizzes and Questions (so old that it's not even available at!),  along with my own and came up with my own list. 
Here are Aili's answers, at 8 years (and 38 days) old:

1. What is your favourite colour?  Gold
2. What is your favourite song?  What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
3.  How do you get to school?  On the bus
4.  What chore did you do last?  Put my knapsack away
5.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  I wanna be a scientist!
6.  What is your favourite TV show?  Fetch with Ruff Ruffman
7.  Who is your best friend?  Ashley
8.  What is your favourite cereal?  Cheerios
9.  What makes you mad?  When I can't go out to play with my friends
10.  What's under your bed?  Nothing
11.  If you could have any pet, what would it be?  A snake
12.  What do you like best about yourself?  That I'm special!
13.  What's your favourite joke?  I don't know.
14.  What is your favourite holiday?  Hallowe'en.  And Christmas.
15.  What vegetable do you like best?  Carrots!
16.  How tall are you?  6 feet  
17.  What size shoe do you wear?  12.  I mean size 2!
18.  What's your favourite subject in school?  Art
19.  What's your favourite sport?  Gymnastics
20.  If you could have one superpower, what would it be?  To fly!


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meet The Teacher. Or Not...

If you are here for the Inspiration Elevator's Challenge #5, please click here or scroll down.

Last night's Meet The Teacher night was cancelled, due to the teachers' protesting of the anti-strike legislation that is being mandated by the provincial government.

I have heard cases pleaded for both sides.  However, it's been said that there are two things that you should never discuss amongst friends - religion and politics.  So  I won't discuss either here.

I will say though, that my kids were REALLY REALLY disappointed last night... :(  Hopefully, we'll get a chance to meet their teachers sometime soon.


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Scrapbook Studio Tour: Part II

If you are here for the Inspiration Elevator's Challenge #5, please click here or scroll down.

Welcome to the 360 Degree Tour! :)

Today, I'm going to share details and close-ups of the left (east) side of my room.  (The walls are still pretty bare - I still have artwork to go up!)

Click on images to view full size.  If you missed Part I of the tour, click here.

First the "boring" stuff (i.e. non-scrap related):

The 2x4 Expedite shelf unit (with desk attached) holds all of my "office" related items.  In the top 4 cubbies, I have the following:  
  • A three drawer Sterilite drawer unit that fits in the lower cubbie behind my monitor with office supplies (elastics, staples, Post-its, etc).  
  • A three shelf filing tray for 1) bills to pay; 2) papers to file and 3) items of interest to review sooner, rather than later.  
  • A wicker basket with larger office supply items (labeler, tape dispenser, etc)
  • Our home management binder.  (This is something new we've started this school year - if it's successful, I will share details later!)
  • Photos of the kids!
In the lower four shelves, I have a basket for recycling, a CD binder of photo backups and some extra storage boxes.  It's very hard to reach the back two shelves without resorting to crawling around on the floor so I don't use them much.

On the top of the unit, I have a framed photo of my entire family, taken in Oct 2004 before my mom passed away  It is the only photo we have of us all together since Aili was born in Aug 2004 and she passed away in December that same year.  There's also a mini album that I made of our wedding and a basket full of other mini albums and circle journals.

And onto the good stuff! ;)

The 2x2 Expedite to the right of my desk houses the following (clockwise from top left):

  • T-bin with sewing paraphernalia (thread, needles, bobbins, etc.)
  • Embroidery floss, wrapped on cards and stored in a divided box (left over from my cross-stitch days!)
  • Small Kassett box with Sew-Easy tool and accessories, stitching templates, mousepad and pushpin (for pre-stitching)
  • All of my Canadian Scrapbooker issues along with copies of any other magazines in which I was published.
  • Large Kasset box with scrap material
  • 2 small Kassett boxes with my lesser used cutting tools and a Dymo labeller and various coloured tapes
  • 13x13x3 box with as-of-yet U.F.O.'s (unfinished objects).

On top of the unit, I store:

  • My ancient Singer sewing machine, that's been with me since 1993! Still works, though - they don't make things now like they used to...
  • A metal urn (from a wedding table centerpiece!) filled with twine and vintage lace, rolled on wooden spools
  • Egg-shaped candy jar, for my peanut M&Ms or JellyBellys, which is always raided by my kids and their friends...
  • Glass vase full of buttons
  • 4x4 canvas created for a LYL project

Next to the shelf, I have a rolling cart with 15-13x13x1 drawers!  I found this at Costco a few years ago and had my Just Cre8 kits in it, separated by month - it was perfect!  I have since moved my stamps/inks into it - the bottom drawers contain all of my Stampin' Up wooden stamps:

The remaining drawers hold my cube inks, organized in rainbow order:

My larger ink pads:

My specialty inks, combo ink pads and lesser used pads:

My wooden alpha stamps:

Other drawers contain supplies like my Stamp-a-ma-jig, stamp cleaners and disposable hospital gloves (for stamping done the night before a wedding or event when you don't want inky fingers!) or seldom-used acrylic stamps.

On top of the cart is a woven basket full of cards (sorted by occasion for easy picking), a candle and my new paper-mache S, just waiting to be altered...

And finally, my favourite part... Molly!  I found her on clearance at JCPenny for $70, plus I had an online coupon for 20% off so I ordered her and had her shipped to the closest store in Michigan!  I hope to find time to actually decorate her, rather than just hang my teaching/trade show badges all over her!

If you look closely though, she's doing double duty - my Donna Downey large foam stamps were too heavy for my Clip-It-Up so I hung them on one of Molly's swirls (on right)!

Finally, at her feet, I have a large bin that I picked up on clearance at Michaels - it's perfect for Cropper Hopper sleeves filled with random excess kit/page papers so when I need to create a card really quick, I just grab one!  I also have my completed pages, not yet put into my binders in here, in page protectors.

Whew!  Did you make it to the end?!  I will be back next Tuesday, continuing with the 360 Degree Tour!  (ETA:  Click here for Part III)


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Meaningful Mondays: Sept 17

If you are here for the Inspiration Elevator's Challenge #5, please click here or scroll down.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Seven Sunday Blessings: Sept 16

If you are here for the Inspiration Elevator's Challenge #5, please click here or scroll down.

This week, I am thankful...

1.  That inventory at Store #1 went smoothly.  Here's to two more, within six weeks...

2.  For the weather.  It's been so warm and beautiful during the day, and cool at night.  Perfect sleeping weather.

3.  For Christa and Ann's invitation to join their crop on Saturday.  I made some new friends, won some lovely prizes and even completed two layouts, one of which was my Inspiration Elevator challenge layout (now posted below)!

4.  For fall - which brings Pumpkin Spiced Lattes!

5.  That my friend and former neighbour, Nancy, finally agreed to join Amanda, Holly, Leanne, Kim and Sharon at ScrapFest this year!  It will be So. Much. Fun.

6.  For inky fingers.  They make me happy.

7.  For Pinterest, because it found me this: Monster Cookie Dough Dip (which may or may not be traveling with me to ScrapFest... :))

What are YOU thankful for this week?


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win (deadlines in brackets):
It's a Sketchy Challenge (Sept 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Inspiration Elevator - Challenge 5

You may recall from last month's challenge that the purpose of this challenge group was to take our scrapbooking to the next level, to stretch our creative process and to grow as artists by embracing challenges that make us think, work and grow.  You can view all of the challenges on my blog here.

This month, our challenger was the very talented Laurel Seabrook. Laurel loves flea markets and garage sales and would love to incorporate more of those items into her art.  In fact, we have invited a valued guest designer to join us this month; her name is Christy Riopel. We welcome Christy from her regular writing and creating job at Canadian Scrapbooker magazine.

Here's a bit of what Laurel had to say in her challenge this month.

"I love going to garage sales, flea markets and thrift shops to find fun items for me to upcycle into
something else either for my own home or to give as a gift. I also love just to pick up some old things that appear to have some sort of story to them. I love the shabbiness of old, worn items and the warm
comforting feeling they evoke.

My challenge for you is to scrap an old photo/photos. Not only that I want you to incorporate something that is not normally a scrapping item, upcycle/recycle something to include on your layout. Vintage is definitely not my style when it comes to paper crafting. I like clean and simple so this will be a challenge for me."

I have many vintage photos - when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, she and I spent many hours going through her photos and jotting down names and dates of those that she could remember.  In the end, though, I ended up using these original photos of me, taken when I was a year old:

Supplies:  Bazzill cardstock; My Mind's Eye, Basic Grey and Echo Park patterned papers; EK Success, Kreaxions and Martha Stewart Crafts punches; My Mind's Eye doily sticker and paper clip; Crate Paper alpha and tag stickers; Ranger Distress Ink; Martha Stewart Crafts fringe scissors; Prima paper butterflies; Stampin' Up! button brads; Recollections washi tape; Glue Dots;  Sharpie pen; vintage lace and patterned papers.

I had a lot of fun adding bits of this and that to this layout.  I could have probably added more, or maybe used some more stamping in the background, but I used what I had at the crop.  I finished the stitching when I got back home.

Here are the detailed photos.  The mini flowers were punched with a Kreaxions punch borrowed from Bev Code, their DT coordinator.  I then spritzed them with water and wrinkled them up.  Once dry, I layered them, poked a hole using my paper piercer and then held them together with teeny tiny button brads - thanks to Candie for sharing!

The large border was punched with my new Martha Stewart punch - LOVE it!  I attached it to my layout at the top only, and then using my Glue Dots, attached the fringed pattern paper underneath.  To make the fringed paper, I cut strips of pattern 12"x 1.5" long and sewed them together along the top to keep them together.  Using my MS fringe scissors, I snipped the strip all along the edge, taking care not to cut through the sewed edge.  Ruffle a bit and BINGO - instant fringe!

One of the Echo Park tickets was the perfect size and colour that I wanted to use for my layout.  Sadly, it had MEAT MARKET written across the top of it!! Not really appropriate for vintage baby photos! :) So I had to strategically place another ticket, a paper clip and some lovely paper butterflies over it!  Happy accident!

The title was simply a layering of alpha stickers, phrases and some new washi tape that I picked up at Michael's for 50% off - love a good deal!

I hope you hope along and see what the other designers on this adventure have created:

We would love to see what you are inspired to create.   Add a comment and a link below and we will be sure to drop by and say hello.


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog (deadlines in brackets):
Leave Your Legacy (Nov 30/12)

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